Download weather charts from GFS model offers an extensive number of up to date weather charts, produced from data based on the US GFS model (Global Forecast System), the DWD models (German Weather Service) and many other models. Besides all standard weather parameters being useful for creating individual weather forecasts here one finds displayed numerous parameters acting as forcings for weather dynamics according to Quasigeostrophic Theory.
You can choose weather charts and tools:
Standard charts (GFS) Tool 1 (Archive), Standard charts (GFS/ICON) Tool 2, High resolution (GFS, ICON-EU, COSMO-DE, ARPEGE), Fax charts and more (DWD, UKMet, EZMW, JMA, MSC, etc.), Archive DWD analysis charts, Archive UKMET analysis charts, Backward trajektories (GFS) (for severals cities in Europe), Vertical sections (GFS).